Sunday, March 31, 2013

3 years ago.

3 years ago today, I found out I had been accepted as an art major at USU.
I didn't think I'd get accepted, being as I was a senior in high school still. Applying to be an art major was the first step in accomplishing my dream of being a pro photographer. I now have less than 5 weeks 'till I'll get a diploma with my name on it saying I've graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography.

Where in the world did time go?

I have a little advice for you though. Don't hurry through college. Take 8 years to graduate like some people do. I wish I had 1 more year in the photography program to just perfect my skills and style more. So don't be jealous I'm graduating. I'm jealous of you if you still have another year.

Don't get me wrong. I feel extremely grateful for my journey here. I also feel very blessed that I knew exactly what I wanted to major in and that I never had a change of heart. I loved photography back when I applied but never could have imagined how much it'd grow into something I'm so passionate about.

Yesterday I spent more than 12 hours at the lab. Although this was a little depressing since it was Saturday, I loved it! I'm pretty sure the 6 shoots I did in the last week for my BFA show are the best I've ever done. I love the studio! It makes me so sad that in 5 weeks I'll no longer have a studio I can use whenever I need or want to and the darkrooms as well. It's such a big part of my life. I don't exactly know what I'm going to fill in the gaps with after I graduate either.

One day, I'm going to have both a studio and a darkroom. As an addition on to my house. For sure.

Anyway, Happy Easter. Remember to remember Him. Especially today. He has a great influence on my life and helps me everyday. I love him.

Have a great week and who wants to model for me?

p.s. Don't ask me to boil an egg for you. It might turn out looking as bad as this.

Friday, March 29, 2013

My Life in Vernacular Photographs.

I'm pretty sure this has been the longest I've gone without blogging in..... probably like a year.

Word {or phrase} of the day: Vernacular Photography.
Also, I haven't been this stressed in years either. 5 weeks and 2 days 'till graduation. I feel like I need 10 weeks to accomplish everything that needs to be done by then.
For example, on a normal week I shoot 1-2 times. This week, I have 8 now. Maybe 9.

But because I take a gazillion pictures, here are some snap shots from my life from the past month. Don't even worry, most of them are of Gemma from spring break.
Random Fact of the Day: She will be ONE in 5 days! I can't believe I've been an aunt for almost a year now! :D Seriously the best title I could have.

I found these Gems at the dollar store. Don't worry, they were right next to the the home pregnancy tests, just in case you wanted to see if you were high and pregnant at the same time. 

I wanted to buy these for Betsy to match her flats just like this.

this was on the Fine arts building bathroom sign. I think it definitely should have stayed there.

this is the family van. Quinton refers to this thing as the "dash stache". I don't really understand the fad, but Q does and there are apx 6 around the house in various locations.  He's going to be such a great home decorator one day. He'll do great things.

I tried these things. 2 words- Nas Tay!
I'll stick with regular lays.

In case you can't read how many gallons that is, it's 9.849. Yes, my car's tank holds 10 gallons. I'd say it was a pretty great accomplishment.

typical day at my home. Girls do their hair and make up, only brother does pull-ups in the doorway. Great bonding experiences happen here....

Gemma has adorable hairs. notice her shoe. How freakin' cute are baby shoes?? No words.

the Gemmanator and I went for lots of walks. Our dog is getting old and thus sits on the bottom of the stroller when she gets tired.

and gemma spends 95% of the time like this watching the "dog dog" underneath her. It's pretty funny.

baby Gem and her favorite Aunt Bri Bri. Love this kid. We're BFF's.

Gemma practices her piano.

She's a champ.

I went with Ash and Nathan when Nathan was getting a new tie. They took 17 years to pick one out, but Gemma and I had a great time pretending they were scarves. She agreed with me that this pink one was her color. 

See that box of toys on the right? She climbed on that and tried to get in this play thing by herself, even though she hates it. Her left leg got stuck in the right leg whole. She thought it was funny.

one day for lunch we had peas and cookies. It's the cool-aunt version of peas and carrots, dontchaknow?

Gems got annoyed that her toys wouldn't leave her alone.

I got an iPhone! and I found these super tender covers. My sister wanted her and her husband to buy them but he vetoed the idea. I don't know why any man wouldn't want a blue, half heart on his phone....? I personally feel that it screams masculine, don't you?

I saw this and died laughing. {don't worry  mom, it was at a red light. I  wasn't taking a picture and driving at the same time.}

we had a "women's night" not girls night 'cause according to Betsy, we're women now.

these are facial scrub concoctions. They weren't that great to say the least. Pinterest failed me! {did you know there's a new thing called manterest?? like pinterest for men! I'm scared to go look at it.}

I bought this huge piece of wood substance stuff. I forget what It's called. I painted it for a series of photographs I'm now working on. It was my manly part of the week. Ya know, go to the hardware store, act like I know what things are called, act like I've totally done this before.....

But I painted it this color. So it turned out to be not manly at all....

I shot some animals. Like with a camera. I didn't go on a safari hunt.
Fun thing to notice about this picture- the horse's ear looks like this half zebra is a unicorn. 

and there was a camel.

and this thing, whatever it is...?

and this REAL zebra! How cool is that?
And all of the above animals preside in Logan Utah. Who even knew that a zebra and camel could survive in a winter habitat. Not I.

I made some freakin' sweet Cross Process prints in the darkroom.

I went to Zupas with Emilie. 

Lindy and I played dress up in the USU costume storage place.

Mckenna put grass, sticks, and leaves in her hair for me for a photo shoot.

a treasure Lindy found. Now she has 4 more friends! :D

I took some pictures of some pearls.
{and discovered instagram too}

I dyed some hardboiled eggs tie die for st patricks day deviled eggs.

I made my first ever home made stew. And I ate it for dinner 8 days in a row cause it made a lot. I don't know how to cook for 1. It'll be great one day when I cook for a whole family.

And most importantly, this is what I've been up to, click here
It's my own real photo website! And I did it on my own! Probably one of the greater accomplishments of my life. You guys, I dislike computer languages. I'm never watching a tutorial on code stuff again. But, do you like my logo??? Good, 'Cause I spent a TON of time on it. And even got a bit of advise from a few graphic design students. I wanted to create a website and logo that I won't have to continually keep changing to keep up with the yearly fads. Something that people will recognize as my logo and brand for a long {hopefully forever} time like so many photographers do. It's here to stay. So excited for what the future holds for me in my photographic endeavors. :D Also, you should book a family or wedding shoot with me before I graduate because prices will be going up a bit.

I'm sure there's other stuff I haven't talked about. Like getting last place in Mario Kart 10 times in a row, a weird date experience {story of my life}, my car shooting a spark plug out denting my hood in the process, and about 10 more job applications done, but those don't have pictures. Although I should take a picture of my car's hood.

Anyways, have a fantastic day. Let me know if you want to be a model for any of my tons of shoots to do in 3 weeks.

Oh! And come to my senior BFA exhibition!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

You know it's time for a hair cut when you nearly catch it on fire when cooking.

Story time:

So I was making noodles. I dropped one on the ground. So I leaned over to pick it up and my hair brushed the burner on the stove. It wasn't on it very long, but long enough to make it start to smoke. So now I smell like a camp fire and my poor hairs got the heat damage of probably 300 days of straightening in a few seconds.

So that was fun. I don't recommend that you try it. But at least I didn't catch my house on fire.

But, I did find this gem of a picture online. You're welcome.

I'd say that it's time to get a hair cut.

But I don't think I will. I like my long hair too much.

So, anything exciting happening in your life?