Tuesday, July 16, 2013

So I have a question.

So I have a question. It's a hard question and I am not sure that you'll be able to answer it. It's a pretty serious question. One that I've had for several years now but recently it has really annoyed me.

What is the deal with guy/men {I don't know what to call males of my age, but that's another question entirely} and being obsessed with fantasy/science fiction?

Don't get me wrong, I don't care that you like reading those kinds of books and watching those kinds of movies, but why is it such a monumental deal to you that I don't? This is in all seriousness. More times than I can count have I met guys/gone on dates with guys/ etc that they literally thought it was a huge deal that I didn't enjoy fantasy and science fiction. {one even had his mouth agape for pretty close to 30 seconds} I guess my question is, why is that a deal breaker?

Let me explain.

So I'm a girl. I'm a pretty girly girl too. So I obviously like chick flicks and Romantic Comedies. Given the choice between that and pretty much any other movie I'd normally choose it. But if you say you don't like watching them, I'd say, "Well that's too bad." and move on with the conversation. But that is not how guys respond. And it comes up on almost every single first date I go on.  In the scale of what is important in life/dating, one's movie/book genre of choice is probably the same importance level as what your favorite cold cereal is. In case you didn't know, that isn't important at all. Sure it might be convenient if your favorite cereal is Reeses Puffs like mine, but I think I'd be okay if you enjoyed the occasional bowl of Wheat Chex too. I don't know about you, but the best dates I've been on have not usually been the ones that we only watch a movie and talk about our favorite books. If that's the only thing you know how to do on a date then I don't want to date you anyway.

This summer I have just been getting the impression that the weirdest things are important to guys in dating that are not what I would consider even remotely important. It's really strange.

I'm going to write a book {or at least a blog post} about the things that aren't that important when first dating someone. It'll be called, So I'm not a fan of Star Wars.

Meanwhile, who has some awesome advice on how to respond and what to say when this conversationally undoubtedly comes up next. I'm all ears.

Also, I thought I'd let you know that it is 
raining out side and the sprinklers are still 
on full blast watering the sidewalks here at my 
apartment complex. 
"Droughts are for poor people." 
{name that movie. And no, it's not a fantasy movie.}


  1. I when on a date with a guy who (no joke) spent the whole time comparing Star Wars to the gospel. I told him I didn't care for Star Wars and it was like I stabbed his little sister....He was so hurt and disappointed in me...needless to say, we did not go on a a second date.

  2. Haha this is an awesome post! Are all those dudes from Provo? Cause I've wondered about the whole sci-fi nerd crap that has haunted me since I moved here. And for the record, I really don't give a crap about anything other than the Gospel, hangin' w/the peeps and trying new stuff. Not Star Wars/LoR/whatever crap is trending at the time.

  3. William is still in shock that I haven't seen shows like star wars, ghost busters, etc. But he still married me, so just choose the guy who doesn't act like you killed his lil sister ;) Whenever it came up in conversation I always said something cheesy like "oh I was just waiting to watch it with you" ;) That's how I finally ended up watching Lord of the Rings (with Rusty) and surprisingly I liked it when I thought I wouldn't :D

  4. Haha Melissa I love you! I can totally see you making that work for you!
