Monday, October 27, 2014

Kyle and Brianna

I haven't written on my blog in ages. Let's see if I can form some real paragraphs.

I never thought I'd be the girl to meet someone and 3 months later be engaged. I thought those people were crazy. I'm totally embracing crazy now though. I understand completely now what I've heard people say my whole life-- when you know, you know. And we know!

The proposal story-

I was slightly suspicious it was going to happen on Friday, but then I got this text-

10:53 am

I sent a screenshot to Ashleigh because I thought it was hilarious.

So as soon as he got home from work, we went and played frisbee golf. It's what we did on our first date and I'm still just as bad as I was 3 months ago. It's a good thing Kyle doesn't fall in love with girls because of their frisbee golf skills or I would be toast. It takes me at least twice as many throws as it does for him.... I think though my favorite part of playing frisbee golf on Friday was rolling down a big hill. I haven't done that in a long time. It was great and we definitely had grass everywhere!

We drove up to Sundance and walked around and just wandered. After a little while we stopped at this pretty wood bench that overlooked a gorgeous bridge with a little stream running under it with lots of moss covered rocks, which I love. We were just talking and snuggling and he fished something out of his pocket, got down on one knee, and he asked me to marry him. Of course I said YES! It was an easy question.
I think one of the first things I said was, "you just had the ring without a box in your pocket this whole evening?? Weren't you nervous it would fall out?" We rolled down a big hill for crying out loud!! How did it not fall out? How was he not scared to death of loosing it throwing a frisbee or rolling down a hill?? He said he had constantly been checking the whole evening to make sure it was there. But don't even worry, It's safe on my finger for good now. And his text WAS to try and throw me off.

After he proposed he called his brother who was also there and had him come and take some pictures for us! I like that the actual proposal moment was just ours, but I'm also glad that we have a lot of pictures from right after.

I had no idea that he had more plans than that though, but he did! He had reservations at the most fancy restaurant I've ever been to. It was amazing! It was this secluded table for 2 in front of this crackling fireplace. The food was delicious, the lights were dim and my ring was still sparkling like crazy, I was staring at the man that will be mine for eternity, and I couldn't stop smiling! It was just surreal. It still is. How on earth did I get so lucky!? How did some girl better than me snatch this man up already?

I didn't think I'd be able to eat everything we ordered but we did. It was just so delicious that we couldn't stop eating. I was stuffed.
We left the cute restaurant and it was pretty chilly up the canyon. We got blankets out of his car and we then took the lift up the mountain and just talked about our life together and we both couldn't stop looking at my ring, smiling, and staring at each other. It was romantic and perfect. Better than perfect.

We went ring shopping 3 weeks ago and showed him kinds I like and he went back and found one we didn't even look at. And it's perfect. I love that he chose it. 
I look back on the last 3 months and am in complete awe. This person who was a complete stranger to me has become the person I want to share everything with. The person I feel more comfortable with than anyone ever. The person who I can be more my self around than anyone ever. The person who I can spend 18 hours with and still feel like crying when I have to say good bye for the night. My heart is no longer mine. It's his. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life feeling the way he makes me feel. I can't wait to spend eternity with him. All the things I've looked most forward to in life are now my reality because I found my forever. I can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for putting him on my path. I love Kyle and am excited to share his last name.


  1. Yayayayay!! This is so great! Congratulations times a zillion!

  2. Love it! Thanks for sharing. You're so cute. You deserve this happiness. :)

  3. So fun to hear the romantic side of Kyle!

  4. Oh I love this! So simple and perfect! We are so happy for you two! I really really hope I'll be able to meet this boy at Christmas! Love you Bee!!
