Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy 1st birthday Gemma!

1 year ago, my life changed forever. I'd been waiting a long time for her arrival and I got the world's best title: AUNT.

you guys. I feel I have never had a more important title. I  mean, I have the responsibility of being a person that is a good example to her throughout her life, but I also have to make sure I'm fun and her favorite.

That's a lot of pressure. So far, I've been really good at this. I mean, I taught gemma how to high five, and to drink out of a straw, and we're working on kissy faces and knuckles. Soon she'll be able to say bri-bri. I gave her both a veggie and a dessert for lunch, so obviously I'm pretty good at both. She really does love me. She's a drama queen and totally going to be a girly girl. She loves to watch me put on make up and she even helps me put on powder.

She's just a perfect little girl. And it doesn't hurt that she's the most adorable peanut ever. I learned a new type of love. I love my family, and my friends, and have even fallen in love with a man, but I never understood this type of love before. If I can love this little girl this much, I can't wait for the love I'll feel for my very own babies one day.

Gemma is a lucky baby. She has so many people that love her and is being raised in a family where she is taken care of so well and going to be taught great values to help her throughout her life.

In honor of this {now} toddler, Here are some pictures I took of her during her first year of life. Brace yourself, I take a lot of her.

I can't believe how much she has grown in 1 year! It's like she's going to kindergarten next year! 

I'm so excited to see how much she grows and changes before her second birthday. And hopefully by then I'll have a 2nd niece to spoil! *hint hint ash & nathan*


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