Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My creativity comes at inconvenient times.

Sometimes creativity comes to me at the weirdest times. At 1 am for instance.

I've been running on darn near empty of the creativity fuel tank these days. So even though it's nearly 2 am, I had to run with them.

I just did like 6 design sketches for my print making class and now I'm having a hard time choosing which one to carve into the wood for my suicide print.

Here's the thing about me and sketching: I'm indescribably bad at it. So this is breaking news.

Also, I had a dream last night that inspired a random wedding announcement design that I took off on tonight and am pretty thrilled about actually. Which is so weird. I only design those things usually when friends ask me to.... And I don't even have anything to use it for. Which is a shame because it's pretty fantastically adorable. Quick, someone get engaged!

too bad none of my creativity was in the area I need it in most- Photography.

My best idea for my next project {on sustainability and the color green} has to do with babies sustaining the population growth of the world..... And I feel like it might be a little too stretched for what he wants..... although, I do have a quite adorable niece that is a good model....

IDEA! Maybe I'll photograph people hugging trees!.....


All I know is I'm probably going to need to start pumpin' out the photo ideas here real soon. Ya know, final portfolio due here in a few weeks....

Who wants to model for me?

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