Monday, September 24, 2012

A Simple Testimony

3 weeks ago I had a mid 21st year crisis. Okay, so crisis isn't really the right word, but I was really stressed.

I'm the kind of person that likes to have a plan. Spur of the moment is not my strong suit.

My whole life I've had a plan set up for big stuff up until I'm done with school. Well, I'm graduating in about 7.5 months and not having a plan made me go a little crazy.

Everyone told me that I'd change my major in school at least 2 times. Well, because I knew what I wanted going into school, I did it in 3 years. Which gave me less time to decide what to do after.

I had about 4 options and the last 3 weeks I've been praying and studying and researching and making lists and talking to school advisors and my bishop and to see what one was right.

I'm not saying that anything is for sure, but, nothing felt right until last thursday. And since then, I've been doing even more research and even more praying and thinking and am so incredibly happy to say, I have a plan.

And a plan that has a million things I have to do now before the semester ends.

Anyways, I'm here to tell you of a simple testimony of mine.

Every time I have a problem in life that seems overwhelming, my Heavenly Father has been there for me even more than normal.

Prayers are answered.

It is so much easier to be confident in the future when you're on the Lord's side. You can't lose when you're on the same team.

Also, I'm so grateful for my parents and their support for me and giving me advice the last few weeks.

This is all.

I think for a while I'm going to be updating less frequently and putting a lot more time into everything I have to do now.

I'm so excited! :D :D :D

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